Top 10 Dangerous Roads In Pakistan
Top 10 Dangerous Roads In Pakistan
It is said that paths reveal the destination and it cannot be denied that dangerous paths foreshadow a beautiful and beautiful destination. During the travel requirements in life, there are many opportunities for a person to go from one place to another, for which we choose different ways and means.
If we talk about the travel of Pakistan, while the northern regions are an example of natural scenery, beauty, and charm, dangerous and difficult roads are characteristic of these areas. Let’s see which are the most dangerous roads in Pakistan where even a small mistake can prove fatal.
1: Karakoram Highway
The Karakoram Highway, which is the main route for road trade and travel activities from Pakistan to China, is often hit by severe landslides throughout the year. The 800-mile-long Karakoram Highway is often plagued by natural disasters, including landslides, avalanches, floods, and severe blizzards. This road is considered one of the world’s most mysterious and terrifying highways.
2: Fairy Meadows Road
The road to Fairy Meadows, the most beautiful tourist destination in Pakistan, is considered to be the second most dangerous highway in the world, while the unusual height, roughness, and narrow width of this road above sea level are one of the main reasons for its dangerous nature.
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